Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Obama infection and the lynching of Hillary Clinton


Obama has injected a poison into the body politic of the United States. The ugliness Obama has stirred up is real and severe - all the more damaging because he is so charming. We are past now the dizzying, frothing, mindless adoration from Huffington and the Daily Kos. We are now past the snotty, childish attacks on Clinton by Olbermann and Caferty. We are into a new realm now. The hatred quietly coached and encouraged by Axelrod is now bubbling forth everywhere.
The media has been taken by over by a hate filled sickness. The nastiness and bias against Senator Clinton is so severe at this point that it can only be called psychosis. Clinton bashing for sport has infected a huge portion of the media. This infection results in a fear of questioning Obama the man - not the hype. But mostly it is a fear to face the cold truth about how much we have willingly surrendered since 9/11. Which is, finally, our soul. This infection has a host. It is the Obama campaign.

The Obama campaign has no basis in reality. Nor does it want a basis in reality. This means anything can be projected on it. Hope, progress, better times, sexism, denial. The man leading this infection is profiting greatly from it. He is a skilled magician. Nothing in his history, and nothing about what he promises indicates an understanding of reality. This makes him the perfect post Bush man. Even questioning his most basic lies - that the Kennedy's brought his father to America - is off limits to those who hold the megaphone.

Our sickness serves them too. The infection is spreading:

Randi Rhodes called Senator Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro "fucking whores" on stage. Do the math with me on this one moment: a liberal female talk show host called the first female V.P. candidate on a major party ticket and the first viable female Presidential candidate "fucking whores".

For fun.

This is a symptom.

Obama supporters are rallying behind and defending Rhodes.

This is a symptom.

The Democratic Governor of New Mexico refused a a call from the Democratic President who appointed him to 2 cabinet posts.

This is a symptom.

Barrack Hussein Obama spent 20 years in a church that preached, bluntly, racial separatism. Yet, the national conversation on this has been stuffed by a media infected.

This is a symptom.

The Obama campaign is responsible for this. I include Olbermann and the rest of the Obama adoration society in the media as part of the BHO campaign. It began last spring with the "1984" video. Barrack Obama has run his campaign with misdirection. Because misdirection is all he has.

It did not have to be this way. He could have run an honorable campaign. But he is not an honorable man. William Ayres, Rezko, Rev Wright and his repeated lies prove this now - beyond doubt. He is a demagogue.

Those of us who have not been infected by the Obama psychosis can see those who are. We can see them clearly. I now hold out no hope that sanity will return. The media has determined that the electronic lynching of Senator Clinton must proceed. Facts be damned.

Whether this means they will turn on him once the nomination is settled or it means BHO is truly the Manchurian candidate I do not know.

I do know we their will be a post Obama moment. A point when those left standing will see clearly what happened. We won't stay unconscious forever.

Until then the infection grows.

Where did Progressive Values Go?

By SusanUnPC on April 6, 2008 at 1:02 PM

“[I]t’s been a sad and sobering week for ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ values,” writes The Daily Howler, reflecting on the repugnant words of Randi Rhodes that earned her a well-deserved indefinite suspension from Air America Radio.

A week? How about months of incessant attacks from “progressives” on both Hillary Clinton and her supporters on the Internet? The vitriol has far-reaching implications, beyond the hate speech of Rhodes, Obama’s spiritual advisers, and two individuals — Huffington Post’s Allison Kilkenny and talk radio’s Ed Schultz — who I called out last night in “Obama Supporters Take the Low Rhode.” What does this phenomenon really say about progressives? Writes John — it’s a rather severe but noteworthy indictment — in “The Obama infection and the lynching of Hillary Clinton” at the Liberal Rapture blog:

Obama has injected a poison into the body politic of the United States. The ugliness Obama has stirred up is real and severe - all the more damaging because he is so charming. We are past now the dizzying, frothing, mindless adoration from Huffington and the Daily Kos. We are now past the snotty, childish attacks on Clinton by Olbermann and Cafferty. We are into a new realm … The hatred quietly coached and encouraged by Axelrod is now bubbling forth everywhere.

Then John wrote about the real meaning of what Randi Rhodes did to Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton:

Randi Rhodes called Senator Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro “fucking whores” on stage. Do the math with me on this one moment: a liberal female talk show host called the first female V.P. candidate on a major party ticket and the first viable female Presidential candidate “fucking whores”.

For fun.

This is a symptom.

Read all of John’s post, “The Obama infection and the lynching of Hillary Clinton.”

The Daily Howler notes the myth about “progressives” and “progressive” radio:

For years, there was a self-flattering story we liberals liked to tell about the nature of talk radio. Theoretically, liberal talk radio would never work because we liberals are so bright, so intelligent, so independent—such non-ditto-heads, we kept saying. To be honest, this tale never made much sense. But Rhodes, and others, have made this week a time for some sober reflection.

Are progressives really brighter than conservatives? As a group, we tended to believe it when John Dean (who we admire) wrote that book. But uh-oh! This week, we emitted a low, mordant chuckle at one part of this David Sirota piece, to which we’d been linked by the person who has kidnapped Josh Marshall.

Most of us, if not all of us, heretofore considered Air America Radio a good station to tune into. Most of us, if not all of us, thought highly of Josh Marshall and his Talking Points Memo site.

Did they change? Or were we wrong about them?

At any rate, the viciousness of the attacks is unrelenting, and it has claimed many victims — including people who have been banned from “progressive” Web sites simply because they support Hillary Clinton as well as those who dare to speak their minds such as Geraldine Ferraro.

Where will this hate speech and these attacks take us? I’m worried.

What becomes of a nation when one of its three leading contenders for the presidency of the United States has this man listed on his official campaign Web site as a spiritual adviser to him?

What becomes of a nation when its “progressives” stand silently by while hate speech is spewed at pro-Obama events — as Randi Rhodes did at an Obama gathering in San Francisco?

What becomes of a nation when its “progressives” stand silently by while a priest like Father Pfleger — who is supported by and featured by Barack Obama on his official campaign site — defends Louis Farrakhan, so bigoted that the Southern Poverty Law Center lists his organization as a “hate” group?